Growing up I loved watching the game show “Wheel of Fortune” and I appreciated the fact that contestants could buy a vowel for two-hundred and fifty dollars ($250). Why not pay a small price to solve a puzzle that could potentially lead you to more cash and prizes?
Rather than continuing the same theme by banning hemp-derived products via legislation, Missouri Governor Michael Parsons issued an Executive Order last Thursday, August 1st, 2024. Executive Order 24-10 states: “there are currently no safety standards, packaging requirements or other regulations related to the safety of consuming unregulated psychoactive cannabis products in Missouri.”
Executive Order 24-10 goes on to state that: “unregulated psychoactive cannabis products include delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), delta-10 THC [sic], hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-O) [sic], tetrahydrocannabiphoral (THCP), tetrahydrocannabivarin (THV), and other similar compounds.”
Governor Parsons cites the fact that children in Missouri and across the nation have been hospitalized for consuming unregulated psychoactive cannabis products. He also mentions the fact that state law prohibits the sale of foods that are adulterated or misbranded, and states that both the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and state law require that all food come from approved sources.
While we sympathize with the families of the children Governor Parsons alluded to, simply ordering the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) to: “designate foods containing unregulated psychoactive cannabis products as foods that come from an unapproved food source or as foods that contain an unapproved food additive that comes from an unapproved food sources as set forth in the 2022 FDA Food Code and the 2013 Missouri Food Code, or revisions of said codes,” seems somewhat shortsighted.
Speaking of short-term gains (and buying vowels) it is interesting to note that Governor Parsons, via his Political Action Committee (PAC) “Uniting Missouri”, accepted a donation in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) from the Missouri Cannabis Trade Association (MOCANNTRADE). MOCANNTRADE, the “Voice of Trade for the Missouri Cannabis Industry” represents various participants in the state’s regulated marijuana industry.
With the above in mind, it’s not shocking that while nearly decimating the state’s hemp-derived products industry, Governor Parsons is clearly protecting its state regulated, albeit federally illegal, monopolistic marijuana industry by saying: “These provisions do not apply to products under the control or purview of the Division of Cannabis Regulation under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution as long as all psychoactive cannabinoids in those products are sourced from establishments licensed under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution.”
So instead of solving the puzzle and working to draft sensible regulations that regulate hemp-derived products and preventing illicit behavior, not to mention helping small businesses, the Governor is hiding behind images of illicit marijuana products that look alike commonly available snacks and candies.
UPDATE: After Governor Parson’s Executive Order attempted to handcuff the state’s robust hemp industry in favor of its marijuana industry, the hemp industry reached out to other potential supporters of regulated hemp. One such supporter was Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe. Kehoe was receptive to the idea of sensible regulations for the hemp industry that benefitted the entire supply chain, from family farmers to small businesses who manufacture, distribute, and retail hemp and hemp-derived products across the “Show Me State.”
As a showing of support, many large hemp industry participants urged their vendors, suppliers, and customers in Missouri to turn out and express their support in the state’s primary election on August 6, 2024. Reasonable estimates indicate the hemp industry sent nearly one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) emails, reaching close to a thousand (1,000) businesses, encouraging voters to back Kehoe in the primary. The Associated Press called the election with Kehoe leading at 39.6% of the votes. Congratulations to Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe and hemp looks forward to working with you for a brighter future in Missouri.